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The Physiology of Fishes - 5th Edition - Suzanne Currie

The Physiology of Fishes - 5th Edition - Suzanne Currie

Descripcion del producto

ISBN 9780367477554
Published September 8, 2020 by CRC Press
256 Pages 79 Color & 15 B/W Illustrations

Book Description

The fifth edition of The Physiology of Fishes represents a compendium of knowledge across fish physiology, collecting up-to-date research into an easy-to-access single textbook. Written by the leaders in the field, it provides a comprehensive, accessible review of the core topics, integrating physiology with environmental science, ecology, evolution, and molecular cell biology. New chapters address Epigenetics, Biomechanics and Locomotion, and Behaviour and Learning. Each chapter contains an extensive bibliography, providing readers with the best sources from the primary literature.


Almost three decades after the publication of the first edition, this book remains the only published single-volume work on fish physiology. The fifth edition provides an important reference for new students of fish biology, marine and freshwater biologists, ichthyologists, fisheries scientists, and comparative physiologists.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Evolution and Phylogeny Terry C. Grande and Mark V. H. Wilson

Chapter 2 Locomotion and Biomechanics Emily Standen

Chapter 3 Gas Exchange Jodie L. Rummer and Colin J. Brauner

Chapter 4 The Cardiovascular System Erika J. Eliason and Jonathan A. W. Stecyk

Chapter 5 Iono- and Osmoregulation Dietmar Kültz and Kathleen M. Gilmour

Chapter 6 The Digestive System Carol Bucking and W. Gary Anderson

Chapter 7 Thermal Biology Nann A. Fangue, Anne E. Todgham and Patricia M. Schulte

Chapter 8 Endocrinology: An Evolutionary Perspective on Neuroendocrine Axes in Teleosts Sylvie Dufour and Karine Rousseau

Chapter 9 Reproduction Deborah MacLatchy

Chapter 10 Metabolism Tommy Norin and Ben Speers-Roesch

Chapter 11 Hearing Arthur N. Popper and Anthony D. Hawkins

Chapter 12 Active Electroreception and Electrocommunication Vielka L. Salazar

Chapter 13 Vision Ron Douglas

Chapter 14 Olfaction Sigrun I. Korsching

Chapter 15 Aquaculture and Fisheries Hsin-Yiu Chou and Guan-Chung Wu

Chapter 16 Epigenetics Paul Craig

Chapter 17 Behaviour and Learning  Shaun S. Killen



Suzanne Currie, PhD, is a Professor of Biology and the Harold Crabtree Chair in Aquatic Animal Physiology at Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada. She received her BSc (honors) in biology from Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, and then went on to earn an MSc and PhD in biology at Queen?s University in Kingston, Ontario. Dr. Currie?s research is focused on the strategies aquatic animals use to cope with environmental stress.

David H. Evans, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Biology at the University of Florida (UF) and Adjunct Professor at the Mt. Desert Island Biological Laboratory (MDIBL). He received his AB in zoology from DePauw University, Indiana, in 1962 and his PhD in biological sciences from Stanford University, California, in 1967. Dr. Evans has presented over 20 invitational lectures at international meetings and has published more than 130 papers and book chapters.